
Disclosure Log – Documents Released Under FOI

FOI Disclosure Log Logo

The Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman agency (IGTO) is required by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:

  • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.

The information described in this disclosure log has been released by IGTO under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and is available for public access.

A link is provided if the information can be downloaded from this website or another website.

Information that is not available on a website may be obtained by emailing [email protected] or writing to GPO Box 551 Sydney 2001.

Please note that documents published in response to FOI requests may include internal working papers. The views expressed in these documents should not be considered as representing the IGTO’s views or advice to government. To the extent that copyright in some of this material is owned by a third party, you may need to seek their permission before you can reuse the material.

A charge may be imposed to reimburse the IGTO for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. There will be no charge for the time spent by the IGTO in processing the FOI request that led to this information being made available. You will be notified if any charge is payable and required to pay the charge before the information is provided.

Documents contained in the Disclosure Log may not be accessible to people using some assistive technologies. Where possible, the IGTO provides an RTF version of released documents. However, as these documents are created from the PDF files, conversion errors can occur and may not accurately reflect the content within the PDF. Please email the [email protected] or telephone (02) 8239 2111 for assistance with access to documents in alternative formats.

Information attached to, or referred to, in the IGTO’s disclosure log will generally be removed after 12 months, unless the information has enduring public value.

Disclosure log

FOI reference number Date of access FOI request Information published in the disclosure log Other information
FOI/22/00006 25 November 2022 A request for finalised briefings including ‘back pocket’ briefs or background briefs that were prepared for the Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman herself for the November 2022 Senate Estimates. The papers prepared for the IGTO, including an opening statement (not tabled) and two background documents. 3 PDF documents without redaction.
FOI/19/00002 28 March 2019 A request for documents referred to in the Inspector-General and Taxation Ombudsman’s report into the ATO’s Fraud Control Management – Appendix D – Precious Metals. Internal ATO documents on issues and meetings held on the treatment of risks in the precious metals industry. 5 PDF documents with redactions.
FOI/18/00005 13 July 2018 A request for the IGTO’s submission to the Secretary of the Treasury’s investigation into the Australian Taxation Office, which was requested by the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, following allegations raised on the ABC’s Four Corners program which aired on 9 April 2018. The IGTO’s submission to the Secretary of the Treasury. 1 PDF document (with a minor redaction)

Disclosure Log – Documents Released Under FOI

FOI Disclosure Log Logo

The Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman agency (IGTO) is required by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:

  • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.

The information described in this disclosure log has been released by IGTO under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and is available for public access.

A link is provided if the information can be downloaded from this website or another website.

Information that is not available on a website may be obtained by emailing [email protected] or writing to GPO Box 551 Sydney 2001.

Please note that documents published in response to FOI requests may include internal working papers. The views expressed in these documents should not be considered as representing the IGTO’s views or advice to government. To the extent that copyright in some of this material is owned by a third party, you may need to seek their permission before you can reuse the material.

A charge may be imposed to reimburse the IGTO for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. There will be no charge for the time spent by the IGTO in processing the FOI request that led to this information being made available. You will be notified if any charge is payable and required to pay the charge before the information is provided.

Documents contained in the Disclosure Log may not be accessible to people using some assistive technologies. Where possible, the IGTO provides an RTF version of released documents. However, as these documents are created from the PDF files, conversion errors can occur and may not accurately reflect the content within the PDF. Please email the [email protected] or telephone (02) 8239 2111 for assistance with access to documents in alternative formats.

Information attached to, or referred to, in the IGTO’s disclosure log will generally be removed after 12 months, unless the information has enduring public value.

Disclosure log

FOI reference number Date of access FOI request Information published in the disclosure log Other information
FOI/22/00006 25 November 2022 A request for finalised briefings including ‘back pocket’ briefs or background briefs that were prepared for the Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman herself for the November 2022 Senate Estimates. The papers prepared for the IGTO, including an opening statement (not tabled) and two background documents. 3 PDF documents without redaction.
FOI/19/00002 28 March 2019 A request for documents referred to in the Inspector-General and Taxation Ombudsman’s report into the ATO’s Fraud Control Management – Appendix D – Precious Metals. Internal ATO documents on issues and meetings held on the treatment of risks in the precious metals industry. 5 PDF documents with redactions.
FOI/18/00005 13 July 2018 A request for the IGTO’s submission to the Secretary of the Treasury’s investigation into the Australian Taxation Office, which was requested by the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, following allegations raised on the ABC’s Four Corners program which aired on 9 April 2018. The IGTO’s submission to the Secretary of the Treasury. 1 PDF document (with a minor redaction)