
Complaints about our service or conduct

If you have concerns about our service or conduct

The service we provide is based on the IGTO service and conduct expectations guidelines. If you are not satisfied with our service or conduct (including the professional conduct or behaviour of IGTO officers), or believe our processes can be improved, you can provide feedback or raise your concerns by speaking to the officer handling your matter. We are always looking for opportunities to improve our service to the community.

If you cannot resolve your concerns with the relevant officer or feel that you are unable to speak to them, you can make a complaint about our service or conduct by emailing: [email protected]. However, please note that a complaint about our service and conduct will not change the findings or outcome of our investigation. If you wish to lodge a complaint about our investigation findings and decisions, please see Complaints about our investigation.

In your complaint about our service or conduct, you will need to clearly explain:

  • what happened and when;
  • who was involved;
  • why you were unsatisfied with your experience; and
  • what outcome you are seeking.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 3 business days and allocate it to a senior officer who was not involved in your previous interactions with our office.

We will assess your complaint in accordance with our service and conduct expectations guidelines.

We will inform you of the outcome of your complaint in writing. This will include whether the findings of the assessment support or do not support the complaint that was raised, along with our reasoning. Importantly, we will not communicate to you any internal actions or decisions made about a particular officer due to the requirements of privacy legislation.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint about our service or conduct then you can make a complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman. It is important to be aware that complaints made to the Commonwealth Ombudsman about our office are limited to our service, and not our investigation findings concerning the tax administration actions and decisions which are the subject of your dispute.