The Inspector-General of Taxation (IGT), Mr Ali Noroozi, today announced his new work program aimed at further improving tax administration in Australia.
I am pleased to announce my new work program for 2012-13 and beyond. The extensive consultation process surfaced a wide range of issues and concerns that the community would like me to review,” Mr Noroozi said.
“I thank everyone for their input into my work program. While I cannot review every issue, I am confident that the topics selected reflect the greatest levels of community concern or significance in achieving a more efficient, fair and transparent tax administration,” he said.
The IGT received a broad range of submissions from taxpayers, tax practitioners, industry and professional bodies as well as tax academics.
“This new work program continues to build on the foundations established in my early years in office and I firmly believe that it will deliver immediate improvements as well as contribute to long-term positive change for the benefit of all Australians,” said Mr Noroozi.
The new IGT work program consists of the following reviews:
- Review into aspects of the ATO’s use of compliance risk assessment tools;
- Review into the ATO’s administration of penalties;
- Review of the ATO’s management of transfer pricing matters;
- Review into aspects of the ATO’s compliance approaches to individual taxpayers; and
- Review of the ATO’s interaction with the Australian Valuation Office.
Two further topics which received strong stakeholder support for inclusion in the work program were:
- the ATO’s administration of the general anti-avoidance rules; and
- the ATO’s services and support for tax practitioners.
Whilst the IGT acknowledges the importance of both issues, having regard to recent developments in these areas, consideration will be given to conducting such reviews once the initial five reviews are completed.
The next stage
The IGT will shortly undertake an analysis of the issues raised to refine the scope and focus of the reviews. Thereafter, the IGT will formally commence each review by issuing specific terms of reference and submission guidelines.
“I urge all stakeholders to provide me with detailed submissions and strong supporting evidence following the release of terms of reference for each review. This will ensure all important issues are fully captured and considered,” said Mr Noroozi.
The full work program is available at
10 October 2012
Media contact: Ali Noroozi – (02) 8239 2111