Case Study – Bankruptcy and tax debt
A sole trader taxpayer had a dispute (or unresolved complaint) with the ATO concerning its intention to disclose a $590,000 tax debt to Credit Reporting Bureaus (CRB) and had been...
A sole trader taxpayer had a dispute (or unresolved complaint) with the ATO concerning its intention to disclose a $590,000 tax debt to Credit Reporting Bureaus (CRB) and had been...
In a recent IGTO investigation, the complainant asked the Commissioner to exercise his discretion to refund the complainant’s 2023 tax refund instead of offsetting against his tax debt. The complainant...
The ATO issued a garnishee notice to a taxpayer for debts from a former partnership business. The taxpayer was travelling at the time and the garnishee notice resulted in them...
Latest media releases and resources from IGTO.
Posted 06 March 2025
“The ATO is increasingly providing its services online, but 65% of tax agents say they had problems using these services, so many of them pick the phone and call the ATO’s dedicated registered agent phone line to get help, but the feedback I get from agents is that the service has long wait times and is inconsistent, and that they aren’t confident they will get the right answer when they call, or even the same answer each time they call,” says Ruth Owen, Inspector-General of Taxation. “I think that’s worth investigating.”
Posted 13 February 2025
The Inspector-General of Taxation and Tax Ombudsman (IGTO) has welcomed the Government’s decision to grant her new powers in response to the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme. The Bill passed on Wednesday directly addresses two critical failings of oversight by:
“This decision is a clear signal to taxpayers that we have strong checks and balances within the tax system in Australia,” said Ruth Owen, Inspector-General of Taxation and Tax Ombudsman. “When something goes wrong, my agency can investigate independently and get to the bottom of problems quickly, fairly and without fear or favour.”
Posted 31 October 2024
The newly appointed Inspector-General of Taxation, Ruth Owen, has recommended changes to make it faster and simpler for all taxpayers to lodge an objection with the ATO.
The Inspector-General’s report highlights 4 areas of improvement:
Posted 30 April 2024
The Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman (IGTO) commenced an own-motion investigation into Tax identification (TaxID) fraud on 15 December 2023. This was in response to an increase in complaints and dispute investigations concerning TaxID fraud received by the IGTO.
The IGTO makes thirteen (13) recommendations for ATO improvement in this interim (Phase 1) report – The importance of bank account integrity.
Posted 26 March 2024