Investigation into the effectiveness of ATO communications of taxpayers’ rights to complain, review and appeal 14 October 2021 By Darren Broers
A Report on aspects of the Australian Taxation Office’s administration of JobKeeper and Boosting Cash Flow Payments for new businesses 21 December 2020 By Darren Broers
The Australian Taxation Office’s services and support for tax practitioners 20 July 2015 By Darren Broers
Review into the Australian Taxation Office’s management of transfer pricing matters 2 June 2014 By Darren Broers
Review into the ATO’s compliance approaches to small and medium enterprises with annual turnovers between $100 million and $250 million and high wealth individuals 24 April 2012 By Darren Broers
Review of Tax Office management of complex issues — Case study on research and development syndicates 16 August 2007 By Darren Broers
Review of Tax Office management of complex issues — Case study on service entity arrangements 24 April 2007 By Darren Broers